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Automating the Build Process with Travis-CI

Updated 9th December to illustrate latest iteration of Travis.yml

Before I ported this site over to Gatsby, it was powered by good old Jekyll. I’d make an edit, run jekyll build, then push the output to S3 with s3_website. Not exactly onerous, but I noticed that I’d be drafting posts, or updating the structure of the site and then not pushing them live in a timely manner. (And what do you know, it’s happened again! – Ed., December 2nd)

Cue a Continuous Integration (CI) solution – although it took me many attempts to get it right. And by right, I mean it at least:

  • builds the site
  • deploys to S3
  • invalidates the CloudFront distribution.

Attempt #1: Use the default S3 provider

Travis’ documentation is pretty, pretty, pretty good. I think you could just about get away with this, if you’re happy to serve straight from the S3 bucket:

language: node_js
 - "8"
 - yarn build
  provider: s3
  access_key_id: $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
  secret_access_key: $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
  # Prevent Travis from deleting your built site so it can be uploaded.
  skip_cleanup: true
  # Path to a directory containing your built site.
  local_dir: public
    branch: master

Because I have both package.json and yarn.lock in my repository, Travis is smart enough to figure I want to use Yarn to run during the install phase.

I like this implementation, but Travis is only concerned with S3 here. I have a Cloudfront distribution sat in front of this bucket in the hope of saving a few pence and making the site feel snappy. Sure, I could manually log in to AWS and invalidate the distribution or do it via the command line, but y’know: let’s automate it.

Attempt #2: Use AWS CLI to invalidate the Cloudfront distribution

This is where it feels messy, and there are a bunch of extra steps to mess up. AWS CLI is installed via Pip, so this implementation needs to be driven by Python.

language: python
python: 3.6
sudo: required
dist: trusty

I had to explicitly specify the version of Python, because the default appeared to be 2.4 and I ran into issues… Java-related, possibly?.

This is where it starts to be a blend of different tasks, and I’m piecing together instructions from various sources.

Install Yarn

  - curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -
  - echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
  - sudo apt-get -qq update
  - sudo apt-get -y install yarn

Install NVM

As it’s not provided by default, I need to install Node and NPM in order to install my site’s dependencies and then build it. I figured NVM would be the most sensible approach:

 - rm -rf ~/.nvm && git clone ~/.nvm && (cd ~/.nvm && git checkout `git describe --abbrev=0 --tags`) && source ~/.nvm/ && nvm install $TRAVIS_NODE_VERSION
 - pip install awscli

I discover afterwards that the ugly $TRAVIS_NODE_VERSION environment variable could have been avoided by specifying the version in the project’s .nvmrc file.

As the Travis cycle goes install, script, deploy, next up is…

  npm install
  npm run build

(Travis experts – could those commands just have been listed sequentially in the script block?).

Configure S3 bucket

We use the same deploy block as before:

  provider: s3
  access_key_id: $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
  secret_access_key: $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
  # Prevent Travis from deleting your built site so it can be uploaded.
  skip_cleanup: true
  # Path to a directory containing your built site.
  local_dir: public
    branch: master

Blow away the old Cloudfront distribution

When this succeeds, we can now use the AWS CLI to ensure that Cloudfront serves the latest version of these files:

 # Allow `awscli` to make requests to CloudFront.
 - aws configure set preview.cloudfront true
 # Invalidate every object in the targeted distribution.
 - test $TRAVIS_BRANCH = "master" && aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id $CLOUDFRONT_DISTRIBUTION_ID --paths "/*"

Inspecting the bucket, I notice that Travis doesn’t doesn’t sync the files – i.e. only new files are added; old ones are deleted. It might not be an issue in practice, but I quite like keeping my buckets tidy… 😒


Attempt #3: Use s3_website

I mentioned in the intro that when publshing the website from my computer I used the s3_website gem. I know it, it does all the tasks I want it to, and it’s straightforward to configure.

(Although, I fib: since upgrading to Sierra, I’ve not been able inclined to deploy since it requires a Java installation which I really don’t want to do. I know, weaksauce.)

So, we go again! Now, we’re sacking off a Python-based deployment pipe in favour of a Ruby powered process:

language: ruby
rvm: 2.2
sudo: required
dist: trusty
# Again with the redundant env var
  - curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -
  - echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
  - sudo apt-get -qq update
  - sudo apt-get -y install yarn

Install s3_website

  - . $HOME/.nvm/
  - nvm install stable
  - nvm use stable
  - gem install s3_website

Push to S3

 - yarn
 - yarn build
 - test $TRAVIS_BRANCH = "master" && s3_website push

Boom. All my s3_website settings are configured in environment variables and my s3_website.yml config, so that one line in the after_script block pushes to the correct bucket and invalidates the Cloudfront distribution.

Looking back over it, I think I’d be quite happy to sack off the yarn installation and reply on NPM. Again I wonder whether the blocks can be consolidated into one and the commands listed sequentially? I’m not experienced enough with Travis to know what benefits I get from splitting the commands into the different stages, especially since this particular deployment process is not exactly complicated. Perhaps so the process can fail earlier if necessary?

Proposed attempt #4: Use AWS CLI for everything

I suspect I could probably do all of the above with the AWS CLI, though it will need switching back over to Python again. Woe is me 😩.

Attemp #5: Concise

…whereupon I decided to sack off Yarn, and after configuring Travis to build PR and branch merges, whitelist the master branch:

    - master
language: ruby
rvm: 2.2
sudo: required
dist: trusty
  - npm
  - . $HOME/.nvm/
  - nvm install stable
  - nvm use stable
  - gem install s3_website
  - npm install
  - npm run build
  - s3_website push