Dan Matthew

Interaction designer and developer of accessible and user-centred digital products.

I champion and teach accessibility to design, engineering, and product teams.

I use my experience in both design and development to bridge the knowledge gap between teams, using design systems, web components, and prototypes to amplify the value of my design practice.


  1. Designing an accessible combobox for Talis Elevate

    I designed a solution to help academics search for their teaching modules, increasing productivity and reducing errors.

    • User research
    • Wireframes
    • Prototyping
    • Interaction design
    • User testing
  2. Improving form design across Talis products

    I led an initiative to discover, consolidate, and refine the many approaches to forms and form validation used across Talis products. I reduced errors, support tickets, technical and design debt.

    • Research
    • Prototyping
    • User testing
    • Implementation
  3. Redesigning Talis Elevate

    I revamped the user experience of the academic-facing module management screens and removed superfluous features, reduced a reliance on modals, and clarified processes.

    • Research
    • Wireframes
    • Prototyping
    • User testing


Some nice things people have said about me

Dan has great attention to detail and is careful and considered about the resources and documentation he creates for the rest of the development team.

Anon Talis

Really champions accessibility in TfS: it isn't a checkbox, it's a way of working for Dan. His championship makes others think more about accessibility in the decisions we are making.

Anon Talis

Dan is known as the “go-to” person at Talis for accessibility questions, and is an invaluable source of knowledge about best practices in the industry. He is constantly learning and refining his knowledge, and his expertise is clear.

David Talis

Dan is a vital part of our UX team, and our domain expert in accessibility: his knowledge and passion for this area are clear and infectious. His early input always improves our designs and implementation, and our products are far better for Dan's involvement. While Dan's efforts have been substantial and visible here, I've also been impressed with his patience and how well he supports others - he has given talks to educate the teams, and is always on hand to help individuals who need it.

Anon Talis

Dan often shares helpful resources with the rest of the team via MS Teams, and events and webinars that he spots that he thinks others might be interested in. I especially appreciate this as someone outside of the UX team who is also interested in UX and a11y.

Camille Talis

Dan should also recognise that he is an asset to the UX team, bringing a diverse set of skills and knowledge. This includes his expert knowledge on accessibility, applied front-end skills and curiosity on UX methodology. He also shares this knowledge widely across the business, which makes us better professionals for it. I'm grateful to have someone in the UX team that I can consult on feasibility, accessibility and provide thoughtful perspectives on any work I'm leading on.

Louise Talis

I can trust Dan to solve any problem and know he will come back with a clear rational to help us drive better outcomes. His perspective is highly regarded as he presents well-thought out arguments and shows his thinking with data and supportive evidence. This clearly shows Dan's care in detail and adoption of a strong work ethic in providing high-quality work.

Louise Talis